Chinese expression


The so-called Chinese expression can be seen as somewhere between doctrinal expression and emotional expression. On the one hand, Chinese expression is related to personal feelings, thus it differs from doctrinal expression and approaches emotional expression; On the other hand, Chinese expression has never been an expression of personal emotions, without the color of individualism, thus distinguishing it from emotional expression. So, what are the objects of Chinese expression? From the perspective of Chinese aesthetics, the objects of Chinese expression are neither doctrines nor emotions, but images and artistic conception. Due to the fact that imagery and artistic conception are generated at the moment when the subject and object meet, they cannot be reproduced and can only be expressed. In this sense, all freehand Chinese art belongs to Chinese style expression.

With the modernization process of Chinese society, Chinese art has successively gone through the stages of learning Western reproduction art and expressive art. With the strengthening of cultural identity and innovation awareness among Chinese artists, many have formed a new artistic style by combining Chinese freehand brushwork with Western expression, which is what we call the Chinese style of expression. Therefore, the so-called Chinese style performance is neither the traditional freehand brushwork nor the western Expressionism, but the fusion or mixture of the two. In terms of the laws of cultural development, the collision and integration of different cultures can often produce more vibrant cultures. The same goes for art. The collision and fusion of expression and freehand brushwork can definitely form a more vibrant Chinese style expression.